Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rachels Drill Team goes to New York

The Lone Peak drill team went to New York to compete at Nationals and had a blast! Oh, and they did very well also. Gabi and I just had to go and "help out". We took second overall and won the high point award for our military routine, it was amazing! We also saw "Wicked" and went shopping on the famous Canal St. (can you say barter heaven?) I think that New Yorker's are either getting much more friendly or they couldn't resist our charms...take your pick. Another "last" for Rachel before graduation in May.


Smith Family said...

I still caint believe Rach is graduating...

Smith Family said...

ps who the junk is jojosho? don't click on those

Emily Rose said...

Rach~ Way to go! I love that my sis in law is a winner. Sweet!~~~Brady

Emily Rose said...

I'm so glad that you had that fun experience Rachel! Those memories are priceless!